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The Andromedans, for those who might not know, are our galactic neighbors. They are 12-dimensional beings with seemingly unknown, but limitless abilities.

Many people on our planet right now are of Andromedan origin whether they are aware of it or not. These people could be considered star children in their own right and are playing serious roles in the lives of everyone else. They are quite underestimated and very much capable of great things.

According to Souls A Light, Andromedan people’s involvement with Earth is as follows:

The winged beings have been involved with Earth since our first life formed and with humans at various stages of our development. It may be that the Sumerian winged beings depicted on their reliefs are Andromedans.

They say they have been invited by the Guardian Archangels of Earth to participate in our progression and that they come to our solar system on the wings of the Archangels who are the gatekeepers to Earth. Perhaps the depictions of archangels are actually images of the winged Andromedans coming as they came into our world and were thought to be the angels themselves.

Below I am going to go over some signs that might indicate you hold Andromedan energies within your being. While you are not going to be able to unlock your full potential here on this planet, you are able to still work in amazing ways. You might be a lot more special than you had assumed.

8 Signs You Hold Andromedan Energies Within:

1. You tend to act out as you hate being ‘controlled.’

Andromedans are not the kind to allow anyone else to control them. They hate being told what to do or being forced into things. They always do their best to cultivate freedom on a deeper level.

2. You rarely ever get worked up.

Andromedans do not usually get worked up often. They are quite chill and take things one day at a time. You will rarely see them stressed or frustrated.

3. People usually really enjoy being around you.

Andromedans usually draw a lot of people in. They are fun to be around and people tend to flock to them for several reasons. They are quite interesting and mysterious which leaves everyone unable to figure them out.

4. You have a quite spiritual nature.

Andromedans are very spiritual in general. They are more in tune with who they are and the universe itself. They know that there is something more about who they are in general. They can feel the energies moving through their bodies.

5. You love to travel and cannot stand being held back.

Andromedans love to travel. They value freedom big time and cannot stand being held back. They know how important moving forward is and will not allow others to get in their way of that.

6. You are quite confident in a number of ways.

Andromedans hold themselves in a way most others are not capable of. They are confident in a big way and always hold their own. They know their boundaries and are more than willing to show the world what they can do.

7. You struggle with commitment in general.

Andromedans tend to be late to things and are not usually quick to settle down romantically. They usually have trouble connecting with others on an emotional level. While they might try hard, they just cannot get it down.

8. You are smarter than most people.

Andromedans are much smarter than most other people. They hold their own in comparison to most and are always helping others. You can come to them about most things and their advice will get you where you need to be.