Humility is an underappreciated and underrated trait that is much needed in our world today. Humble people are generally kind, open-minded, and compassionate, without arrogance or too much pride.
With that said, being humble does not mean that you do not take pride in yourself. On the contrary, a humble person holds value in themselves, while also having a modest understanding that they do not know everything. In the end, humble people are not only more willing to learn and empathize with others, but the way they approach the world is something to be admired.
Here are 6 tips for raising a humble child.
1. Model humility.
The best way to raise a humble child is to be a humble adult. Leading by example is ultimately the best way because you can tell a child to do whatever you want- but what they ultimately are going to do is what they see. Be the change you wish to see.
2. Encourage them to admit when they are wrong.
When they are wrong or make a mistake, say, “That’s okay, we are all wrong sometimes. But it feels really good to say it out loud. It takes that burden off of your chest.” By letting them get used to admitting when they are wrong, you are encouraging them to let go of their pride and be humble.
3. Apologize to them when you are wrong.
When you are wrong, admit it. We are often told to not apologize to our kids because the adult is always right- but that is not a humble point of view. Everyone is wrong sometimes.
4. Make sure they understand where their value comes from.
Teach your child that their value comes from who they are, not who they put on to be. Their value shouldn’t be in their clothes, or in being right all the time, but instead, should come from their good heart.
5. Do not humiliate them.
Whatever you do, do not humiliate your child. You don’t want to force humility on them, because when you do so, you are modeling toxic behaviors.
6. Teach them to serve others.
Start early with your child, and take them to a soup kitchen to serve the homeless. Have them serve their grandmother breakfast. Teach them that it is good to serve others and help others.