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When it comes to genetics, children receive a mix of traits from both parents. However, there are certain attributes that are exclusively inherited from fathers. From surprising genetic quirks to well-documented medical conditions, here’s a look at six things children can inherit only from their fathers.


Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is predominantly inherited from the father’s side of the family. This trait is influenced by the male sex chromosome, Y, which sons can only receive from their fathers. If a father has the genes for male pattern baldness, his sons are more likely to develop this trait as they age. For those concerned about hair loss, consider trying “Men’s Rogaine 5% Minoxidil Foam for Hair Regrowth” to help combat genetic hair thinning.

A Father’s Sperm Determines a Child’s Sex

The sex of a baby is determined by the father’s sperm. Sperm cells carry either an X or a Y chromosome. An X chromosome combined with the mother’s X chromosome results in a daughter (XX), whereas a Y chromosome leads to a son (XY). Therefore, it is the father’s genetic contribution that ultimately decides the gender of the child. Explore the fascinating science behind this with “The Gene: An Intimate History” by Siddhartha Mukherjee, a deep dive into genetics and inheritance.

Certain Genetic Disorders

Some genetic disorders are linked specifically to the Y chromosome, which means they can only be passed from fathers to sons. These include conditions such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy and hemophilia, which are carried on the X chromosome. Since mothers can only pass on X chromosomes to their children, if a father carries a defective X chromosome, he can pass these disorders to his daughters who do not have another X chromosome from the father to counterbalance the defective one. For those interested in learning more about genetic disorders, consider “Genetic Disorders and the Fetus: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment.”

Adam’s Apple

The development of the Adam’s apple, a notable feature in males, is a trait influenced by male hormones that are significantly present in males after puberty. This characteristic, which is associated with the growth of the larynx, is generally inherited from the father’s side.


While height is influenced by the genetics of both parents, the father’s genes play a significant role. Taller dads often have taller sons, but this can be moderated by the mother’s height genes. The father’s genetic contribution could push the range of height either up or down.

Risk-Taking Behavior

Recent studies suggest that certain aspects of personality, such as risk-taking and sensation seeking, might have genetic components linked to the Y chromosome. These traits can be more prominently inherited from fathers, influencing behaviors such as enthusiasm for adventure or sports. Delve into the psychological aspects with “The Anatomy of Risk” by Marvin Zuckerman, exploring why some are more inclined to take risks than others.

While genetics from both parents play crucial roles in shaping a child, the unique contributions from fathers can influence everything from physical attributes to certain personality traits. Understanding these inheritances opens fascinating insights into how traits and characteristics are passed through generations.

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