While we tend to think little of posting our locations at various times of the day, our plans, our affairs and more, perhaps it is time we did. The internet is public, and you’d be lying to yourself if you thought that the world was filled with only well-intentioned people. And if you are interested in limiting what people see about your life, then keep reading.
Here are ten things you should never post on social media.
1. Your current location.
When we post our location, with or without meaning to, we are giving anyone that has access to our posts the go-ahead to join us. And while that may be okay if you are only friends with those you trust, it can be quite dangerous if anyone who shouldn’t have that information gets it. Be careful when you make posts to not allow geotagging at the very least!
For those looking to understand more about digital safety and privacy, consider reading “The Smart Girl’s Guide to Privacy: Practical Tips for Staying Safe Online” by Violet Blue. This book offers valuable advice on protecting your personal information and maintaining privacy online.
2. Your personal phone number.
Of course, we want our friends to have our number, but your phone number could fall into the wrong hands, leading ultimately to troublesome situations. There again, not everyone in this world has good intentions, and Facebook/Twitter/Instagram have become a literal stalkers paradise.
3. Posts that you don’t want your employer or future employers to see.
Think before you post. Does your future employer really need to know your stance on the legalization of marijuana? If not, don’t post it!
4. Posts that you wouldn’t want police officers to see.
I hate to break it to you, but when you post in groups, on your own personal page, and on your friends pages, you are posting things that law officers may see. And even harmless posts can put you in their sights.
5. Sensitive work details.
Even the most boring jobs may have Non-Disclosure Agreements, or NDAs. Be careful not to post personal or sensitive information about your place of work, especially if the details include policies or information about clientele.
Additionally, “Cybersecurity for Beginners” by Raef Meeuwisse provides an accessible introduction to the world of online security, helping you understand how to safeguard your digital life effectively.
6. Adult Images
While a simple bikini picture may not be so bad, posting pornographic or nearly pornographic images is not a good idea. Especially if they are of you. Your mother may not stalk you down because of it, but if a dangerous person does, it could ultimately cause trouble in your life.
7. Personal details of your relationship.
Okay, this needs to be said. A private relationship is a healthy one. Please, keep your personal relationship details off of Facebook and Twitter.
8. Revealing images of yourself when you have a partner.
I wonder how many relationships have ended because of their partner posting revealing images of themselves. Sorry, not sorry.
Lastly, “Digital Citizenship: A Community-Based Approach” by Susan M. Bearden is a great resource for understanding the broader implications of your online presence and how to be a responsible digital citizen.
9. Threats
Incriminating evidence, much? If you want to threaten someone (which I advise against) please don’t do it on social media!
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