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Microcheating is a subtle form of infidelity that may not involve physical cheating but can still undermine trust and create emotional distance in a relationship. These behaviors often blur the lines between harmless interactions and inappropriate conduct. Below are 10 examples of microcheating that you might not even realize could be harmful to your relationship.

1. Constantly Liking and Commenting on Someone’s Social Media Posts

While social media interaction is generally innocent, consistently liking and commenting on the posts of someone you find attractive can be a form of microcheating. If you’re giving more attention to someone outside your relationship, especially in a flirtatious manner, it could be a red flag. To better manage social media boundaries, consider using the Couples Communication Workbook to develop strategies for healthier interactions online.

2. Saving Someone’s Contact Under a Fake Name

If you’re hiding someone’s real identity by saving their contact under a different name, it’s likely you’re aware that this relationship could be problematic. Concealing the truth from your partner in this way is a common sign of microcheating.

3. Frequently Texting Someone You’re Attracted To

Texting someone consistently, especially in ways that suggest emotional connection or flirtation, can be microcheating. It’s one thing to chat casually, but if the conversation is crossing boundaries, it’s likely more than just friendly banter. You might benefit from setting clear relationship boundaries with the help of The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts.

4. Keeping Someone a Secret from Your Partner

Whether it’s a coworker, a gym buddy, or a friend, if you’re deliberately hiding this person’s presence or the extent of your relationship from your partner, you’re engaging in microcheating. Honesty and transparency are crucial in any healthy relationship.

5. Making Jokes About Being Single or Available

Making jokes about being single or available when you’re in a relationship, especially in front of people you’re attracted to, can be a subtle form of betrayal. These jokes may seem harmless, but they can suggest you’re open to attention from others.

6. Flirting “Just for Fun”

Playful flirting might seem innocent, but if you’re engaging in it while in a committed relationship, it could be considered microcheating. Even if you don’t have serious intentions, consistent flirtation with others can hurt your partner’s feelings and damage trust.

7. Having Inside Jokes or Pet Names with Someone Else

Creating a special connection with someone outside of your relationship, such as having inside jokes, shared secrets, or even pet names, can cross a boundary. These behaviors create an intimacy that should be reserved for your partner. These behaviors create an intimacy that should be reserved for your partner. If this is an issue, exploring Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love can provide valuable insights into nurturing trust

8. Revisiting Past Relationships Online

If you’re frequently checking up on an ex’s social media or reminiscing about past relationships, even if it’s done privately, this can be considered microcheating. It suggests that part of you is still emotionally tied to someone from your past.

9. Hiding Certain Conversations or Messages

If you feel the need to delete texts, clear your chat history, or avoid telling your partner about certain conversations, this secrecy is a classic example of microcheating. Honest communication is vital, and hiding interactions indicates there’s something you’re not comfortable sharing.

10. Downplaying Your Relationship Status

If you’re vague about your relationship status, especially when meeting new people, it’s a sign of microcheating. Whether it’s not wearing your ring, being ambiguous about your commitment, or acting more single than you are, this behavior can be a significant red flag.


While microcheating might not involve physical infidelity, it still harms relationships by breaking trust and creating emotional distance. The key to avoiding microcheating is clear communication, honesty, and setting boundaries that respect your partner and the relationship. Recognizing these subtle behaviors early on can prevent more serious issues from developing later. For those seeking to strengthen their relationships, consider investing in Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment designed to promote better communication and deeper connections.

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