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Anxiety is something that can feel as if it does nothing but damage; however, that is not always the case. Anxiety in itself comes with some ‘superpowers’ depending on how you look at it.

If you have anxiety try looking at the good aspects rather than the bad. With anxiety comes a heightened sense of perception. Do you have these superpowers?

1. An ability to sense the energy of others.

You can tell whether or not someone has a positive vibration or a negative vibration. Negative people make you uncomfortable while positive people are a bit easier to be around. Normal people often have trouble being able to tell when someone is overly negative.

2. Increased empathy.

People with anxiety are more concerned with the feelings of others than normal people. They have a heightened sense of empathy most people will not understand. People who deal with anxiety can also detect emotions better than others. Empathy is important, you have enough to make a difference in the lives of people that you may not even know.

3. A life saving instinct.

Anxiety is something that can be traced back farther than you might imagine. This can be used as a survival mechanism and allow someone to be more aware of the things going on around them. You know what I mean, that bad feeling you get when you’re walking alone outside or when something bad is about to happen. A study published in the European Journal of Psychology found that people with high levels of anxiety were quicker to detect danger and respond to it.

4. An increased IQ.

People with anxiety were found to be smarter by researchers from SUNY Downstate Medical Centre in NY. This comes as no surprise considering the amount of over analyzing that people with anxiety do. They know every possible outcome to just about every single situation and then some.

5. An ability to see through lies.

People with anxiety are especially careful, they can see right through lies most of the time and are actually much braver than you might think. If someone says something that doesn’t quite make sense or match up they will be the first to point it out, though it takes a minute for them to get the courage up they are quite capable.

People with anxiety are much more special than you might think, while they are overly anxious and overthinking things they are also able to achieve greatness all the while. People with anxiety are prepared for just about anything and are some of the strongest people you will ever come across. For information on understanding, anxiety, check out the video below.

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