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As you may know, the past few months have been very energetically charged. There has been a lot going on in the celestial world.

These things have most likely caused our bodies to become overwhelmed with energy. While we do like having energies to work with sometimes too much all at once can be a very bad thing. If you have been feeling overwhelmed and stressed out detoxifying not only your body but also your mind might set you right back to where you need to be.

Below I am going to go over how to give yourself the detox you need. While it might be easy in some parts and hard during others once you’ve done it you will feel much better. Whenever something big happens energetically this kind of thing really comes in handy.

How To Detox Your Mind And Body:

Step 1: Cut Out Technology

To begin this cleanse you’ve gotta let go things like social media for a little while. Whether you choose to do this for a week or longer is up to you but at least a week is best. Do low-technological interactions. While cutting technology out completely is basically impossible in this day and age don’t use what you don’t have to use.

Step 2: Meditate More Often

Now that you’ve cut back on the technology meditation will take up most of your time. Meditate over everything that needs to be meditated over; really dive into your soul. You can opt for yoga if you would prefer or both.

Step 3: Drink More Water & Eat Healthily

Drink plenty of water! Don’t let your body go without. Do not drink anything that would do harm to your body or feed into being unhealthy. When it comes to detoxing your body the best thing to do is put it back in a healthy state. Eat things that are good for you and avoid junk foods.

Step 4: Write Things Out

In order to cleanse your mind write out a letter once a day to yourself or someone else. Write out any and everything that comes to mind. Put all your emotions out there in the world and then shred or burn them. This will begin to clear you of pent-up worries and thoughts.

Step 5: Be More Active

Spend some time outdoors! Go for a walk each night when you get home. This will also help you to let go of things that need to be let go of. While it might not sound like much this can drastically improve your mood.

Do all of these things together for however long you’d like and see what kind of difference it makes in your life. The longer you go the happier you will feel. This will recharge your personal power and allow any residual energies that could be bothering you to melt away.