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Sometimes we expect far too much from other people. Your life is something you and only you can control, sure there are things we should expect but some people are not sure where those boundaries lie and it causes problems.

We are all different and some of us cannot do the things others can do. If you want to be happy and successful you have to go out and do things for yourself. If you expect too much from others you will only end up disappointed. Below you will find a list of things you should never expect from other people.

12 Things You Should NOT Expect From Other People:

1. Stop expecting other people to agree with you.

Not everyone is going to agree with you on everything you say or do. If you expect the world to agree with you, you will only end up being upset. Do you ever agree with everything someone says? Probably not!

2. Stop expecting other people to clean up your messes.

You are your own person. Your mistakes are yours to own, and no one else should have to be there to clean up after you be it literally or in life period. You make the mistakes, you take responsibility for them.

3. Stop expecting other people to be perfect.

No one is perfect, not you, not your best friend, and not anybody else. You can’t only take the good parts of someone and pretend the bad parts don’t exist. We are only human.

4. Stop expecting other people to make you happy.

You are the only person that can make yourself happy. Happiness cannot be found in another person. It is something we find within and grow ourselves.

5. Stop expecting other people to be who you want them to be.

No one is going to fit perfectly into the mold you have made for them. Again, no one is perfect. We are only human, you have to start accepting that.

6. Stop expecting other people to be fine all the time.

Other people have their own problems to face. You cannot expect them to be happy every time you see them. This relates back to number 5, but it is a bit different in the sense that this is on a smaller scale but a very important one. You cannot ignore the emotions of others, they matter as well.

7. Stop expecting other people to treat you how you treat them.

Some people are just assholes. Just because you are kind does not mean people will be kind to you. You should accept that and cut those who treat you badly out of your life, giving them a place to harbor negativity is not a good idea.

8. Stop expecting other people to read your mind.

If you don’t speak up no-one is ever going to know what you need. Stop acting like people can read your mind and stand up for yourself. You were given a voice for a reason, use it.

9. Stop expecting other people to understand you.

No one is going to be able to completely understand you, sorry. There is no way to change that. Don’t expect people to see you for who you truly are, you don’t even know who you truly are. We are always changing.

10. Stop expecting other people to do the right thing.

Again, some people are just assholes. Not everyone is going to be willing to do the right thing when the time comes. Sometimes, there is absolutely nothing you can do about that and while it sucks you have to deal with it.

11. Stop expecting other people to accept you.

Other people don’t have to like you and some won’t be able to stand you. This will happen whether you are nice or not. We are all different and some of us just don’t like one another for whatever reason.

12. Stop expecting other people to respect you if you don’t respect yourself.

You must respect yourself if you want others to respect you. You cannot go around demanding something you know nothing about. Learn to respect and accept yourself and you will get much further in life.