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We all crave love and affection, it’s in our genetics! As humans, we all hope to find a soulmate eventually, and if you experience these signs you might be near them!

We all want to find a soulmate one day. The mere idea of having someone to love you unconditionally can make someone drool. It’s just a happy thought, and we all are born with a soulmate. Each of us has a person that carries a flame identical to yours and once you meet them that flame will connect and flourish as one! Do you think you’re near your soulmate? They could be very close to approaching you or entering your life for good! Look out for these signs that you’re about to meet your soulmate!

1. You Have a Positive Attitude Towards Life

When you meet the one and only love of your life you will start to feel extremely optimistic. Once you have found that one special life companion, all of the sadness, sorrow, and toxicity of the world goes away. None of it matters when you can share that feeling with another soul.

2. You’re Happy With Yourself

If you can truly be yourself around your companion it is a fantastic sign. This feeling makes you feel so happy and loves yourself too. You do not have to worry about looking good all the time anymore because your soulmate will love you no matter how you look.

3. You’re Improving Your Health

When you meet your soulmate you experience an abundance of happy side effects in your brain and emotions. You feel less stress and tension, and you will even be healthier physically.

4. You’re Connected

If you have found the one for you, you become extremely empathetic. You and your partner will feel each other’s feelings and you’ll know each other like the back of your hands.

5. You Hate Being Apart

When you are so involved with another human, you instantly want to be around them. When you are with them you are safe and comfortable; but when they’re gone, you are anxious, tense, and constantly thinking about them.

6. You’re Content With Life

Because this person is your life sidekick you will experience a soothing relief of all stress. It will cause you to feel content, and naturally positive.

7. You Sense Love Everywhere

When your true soulmate is near you will begin to sense love everywhere around you. You see the extra mile that people go when it is for the ones they love.

8. You’re Bettering Relationships

Because of your upcoming relationship with your soulmate, you begin healing old wounds and revitalizing relationships. You say that extra “I love you” or ‘Be Careful” after a phone call with your mom.

9. You Feel Purpose

Your life begins to feel purposeful. You see the point in doing everything and you do your best to make an impact. You go the extra mile just for the good of it.